

Folder: unsorted2
Pacific Crest Trail south of Ebbetts Pass in the Sierra Nevada, California. We accessed the trail from the Highland Lakes trailhead, a couple of miles east of the PCT, and followed the PCT north to Noble Lake. This is a much more scenic section of the PCT than some!


27 Sep 2020 2 84
Frank (l) and Shiloh (r). Wearing orange vests so they won't be mistaken for deer! (We also keep them on lead.) Gardner Meadows trailhead, Highland Lakes, California, near Ebbetts Pass in the Sierra Nevada. We're taking a 2-mile connecting trail to the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT).

Ah, the sound of cowbells in the wilderness!

27 Sep 2020 3 7 172
These cattle are grazing in Lower Gardner Meadow, in the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness in California's Sierra Nevada. Normally grazing is forbidden in wilderness areas, but it was specifically grandfathered in here as part of the agreement establishing the wilderness area. Many of the cows are wearing bells (see inset), so the clanking of cowbells in the wilderness is a bit incongruous! I don't know if the cowbells make the roundup easier, or warn hikers, or scare the bears, or what.

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