IMG 0314

11-21-19 (Washoe_Pk)

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21 Nov 2019

81 visits

IMG 0314

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21 Nov 2019

3 favorites


303 visits

Coyote on a mission

I was out with my dogs in Washoe Lake State Park, about a mile from the trailhead, and see this coyote coming along the trail where we'd just been. It was a little disconcerting! But he finally noticed us (left inset), and dodged off into the brush (right inset). They're getting a bit tame for comfort--

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21 Nov 2019

79 visits

The coyote notices us...

Washoe Lake State Park, Nevada, about a mile from the trailhead with my dogs.

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21 Nov 2019

85 visits

The coyote decides to avoid us...

Which was better for all concerned! Washoe Lake State Park, Nevada, about a mile from the trailhead with my dogs.