Crystal Peak


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West of Delta, UT to Ely, NV (after dark).

IMG 8183 adj

IMG 8189 trim adj

IMG 8193 adj

IMG 8199 adj

IMG 8229

Crystal Peak

18 Jun 2019 6 5 483
An improbable peak at the north end of the Wah Wah Mountains in western Utah. From a distance in bright sunlight the peak appears completely white! It's composed of the Tunnel Spring Tuff, a large ash-flow tuff unit of early Tertiary age (about 35 million years). The extreme thickness here probably reflects filling of an ancient valley near the caldera vent. The insets are close-up views showing prominent cavernous weathering. For scale, the little green plants on the mountain slopes are full grown Utah junipers, like those in the foreground!

Crystal Peak

18 Jun 2019 2 2 164
At the north end of the Wah Wah Mountains in western Utah. It's composed entirely of the Tunnel Spring Tuff of early Tertiary age. Cavernous weathering is prominent! For scale the larger bushes are full-sized Utah junipers.

IMG 8247

IMG 8258 adj

IMG 8259 adj

IMG 8262 adj

IMG 8263 adj

IMG 8267 adj

20190618 132124 001

20190618 134213

Crystal Peak

18 Jun 2019 1 149
At the north end of the Wah Wah Mountains in western Utah. It's composed entirely of the Tunnel Spring Tuff of early Tertiary age. Cavernous weathering is prominent! For scale the larger bushes are full-sized Utah junipers. The rusty outcrops in the right foreground are of the Eureka Quartzite, a much older (Ordovician) unit. The mechanical contrast between the Eureka and the enclosing limestones probably provided a channel for the eruption of the tuff.

IMG 8292 adj

20190618 153114 001

51 items in total