IMG 6929 adj


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03 May 2019

80 visits

IMG 6929 adj

03 May 2019

4 favorites

212 visits

Fox kits

There were three--one's already skedaddled into the old irrigation pipes, which they're evidently using as dens, and this one is following. The last one was least timid (see enclosing photo)--which may not bode well for his survival! Washoe Lake State Park, Nevada. These look to be red foxes ( Vulpes vulpes ), the common fox species throughout northern Eurasia as well. For once, humans _aren't_ responsible for their invasion--they colonized North America during the last couple of Ice Ages, presumably across the Bering land bridge. It's unusual to see foxes in this environment because coyotes are also common out here in the flats, and canids are notorious for killing their smaller cousins if they can.

03 May 2019

48 visits

IMG 6938 adj

03 May 2019

8 favorites


492 visits

Last fox standing!

Young fox taking a last look before taking refuge in the old irrigation pipe. A couple of his littermates already have--see insert. As I mention in the insert, these are red foxes ( Vulpes vulpes ), the fox species spread all across the northern hemisphere. They colonized North America during the last Ice Ages. Washoe Lake State Park, Nevada.