IMG 1211 trim


Folder: unsorted

Active scarp

20 May 2015 2 3 480
Wrightwood, California--a place famous among geologists, at any rate! Wrightwood is in the San Gabriel Mountains near the east end of CA State Route 2, right on the trace of the San Andreas Fault. The proximity of the fault has led to oversteepened slopes of shattered rock, as seen here, which regularly generate huge debris flows, especially during El Niño floods. A great deal of effort has been expended to try to channel the flows. Telephoto view; map location is of the scarp rather than the camera.

Active scarp

20 May 2015 2 4 371
Another view. Wrightwood, California. A place famous among geologists, at any rate! Wrightwood is in the San Gabriel Mountains near the east end of CA State Route 2, right on the trace of the San Andreas Fault. The proximity of the fault has led to oversteepened slopes of shattered rock, like this, which regularly generate huge debris flows, especially during El Niño floods. A great deal of effort has been expended to try to channel the flows. Telephoto view; map position is of the scarp rather than the camera.

Big Tujunga Canyon Bridge

20 May 2015 6 2 390
Carrying the Angeles Forest Highway over Big Tujunga Creek, in Southern California's San Gabriel Mountains. Per the bridgehunter web site the bridge was built in 1941. It is still in use. Btw, "Tujunga" is pronounced with the Spanish "j": "tuh-HUNG-guh."

California Chukar

20 May 2015 4 4 725
Alectoris chukar. A partridge native to Asia ranging from the Mideast to India and Pakistan. It was introduced as a game bird into the US mountain West in the 1930s and populations are now thoroughly established thruout western North America. This one was part of a covey including many young birds (chukarlings?) in Calico Ghost Town park, California, down in the hot part of the Mojave Desert! Btw, the dictionary will tell you that it's pronounced "choo-KAR", but in the US West it's universally "CHUCK-er". For a time the minor league baseball team in Reno, Nevada, was the "Chukars," and their mascot was "Chubby Chukar." (!)

Debris channel

20 May 2015 287
Wrightwood, California. A channel that's been deepened and enlarged to try to funnel the debris flows away from the expensive summer homes here!

Get your kicks--

20 May 2015 3 3 313
A little piece of the original US 66 in California, along the Mojave River between Victorville and Barstow. It's still in use as San Bernardino County route 66 and passes an eclectic mix of abandoned motels, new exurbs, and even some agriculture.

IMG 0723

IMG 0725

IMG 0726

IMG 0727

IMG 0729 adj

IMG 0731 adj

IMG 0732 adj

IMG 0733

IMG 0734

IMG 0735

IMG 0737 adj

IMG 0738

418 items in total