IMG 7694 trim


Folder: unsorted

Buckhorn Wash

09 Jul 2015 138
Downstream end of an incised but now cut-off meander bend, which appears very prominently in the satellite view. Another cottonwood tree ( Populus spp.) in the foreground. San Rafael Swell, central Utah.

Buckhorn Wash

09 Jul 2015 3 5 444
A.k.a. Buckhorn Draw, Buckhorn Canyon. San Rafael Swell, central Utah. The wash is a tributary to the San Rafael River from the north, and a graded road (Co. Rt. 332) follows it south across the river to eventually intersect Interstate 70. What looks like a side canyon coming in here is in fact the upstream end of an incised but now cut- off meander bend, which shows up prominently in the satellite view. The inset shows the downstream end, which rejoins the main channel a quarter mile (400 m) or so to the right. The cliffs are formed by one of the Mesozoic sandstone units so common on the Colorado Plateau. The deciduous trees in the foreground are cottonwood ( Populus spp., probably P. angustifola .


09 Jul 2015 287
The plaque on the San Rafael Bridge, Utah.

Hunter Power Plant

09 Jul 2015 1 7 364
Coal-fired generating station just east of Castle Dale, Utah. This is a big coal-mining area, so presumably the fuel is of local origin. Thanks to Don Barrett for the ID of the plant.

IMG 7335

IMG 7336

IMG 7338

IMG 7339

IMG 7341

IMG 7342

IMG 7343

IMG 7344

IMG 7345

IMG 7347

IMG 7348

IMG 7352

302 items in total