IMG 7014


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Bedrock store

08 Jul 2015 270
Bedrock, Paradox Valley, Colorado. So I'm taking pictures of this old store (which was still open despite the defunct gas pump), and a pickup truck pulls up. And the woman driving then asks me enthusiastically if I knew that this store was in a scene in "Thelma & Louise"? Well, no, I'd never seen the movie, but she was very proud of the fact that lots of the movie was shot in and around the Paradox Valley!

Colorado River

08 Jul 2015 442
Upstream from Moab, Utah. Justifying its name! "Colorado" is literally "colored" in Spanish, but often means red. The Colorado was originally named because, before the 20th century dams, it was usually reddish with its silt load. Here, tho, we're upstream from the dams and the red silt load is due to runoff from the monsoon thunderstorms.

Dolores River

08 Jul 2015 3 4 514
Colorado, USA. Looking upstream, just upstream from its confluence with the San Miguel River. This is the canyon the river follows from Paradox Valley. The river is muddy from the monsoon rains.

Dolores River

08 Jul 2015 2 3 616
From the River Road, looking upstream to Paradox Valley. Colorado, USA.

Dolores River

08 Jul 2015 11 11 764
Looking northwest (downstream) from off Colorado State Route 141 (the highway visible on the ledge to the right) toward Gateway, CO. The Dolores rises in southwestern Colorado and flows generally northwesterly, joining the Colorado River in Utah upstream from Moab. It flows thru lots of red standstone country and spectacular canyons. The name is considerably shortened from the original Spanish: El Río de Nuestra Señora de Dolores, River of Our Lady of Sorrows.

IMG 6711

IMG 6712

IMG 6713

IMG 6714

IMG 6715

IMG 6716

IMG 6717

IMG 6718

IMG 6719

IMG 6720

IMG 6722

IMG 6723

IMG 6724

463 items in total