20180831 131915 001

8-31-18 (Tahoe_etc.)

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31 Aug 2018

43 visits

20180831 114543

31 Aug 2018

19 visits

IMG 3624

31 Aug 2018

44 visits

20180831 121816 001

31 Aug 2018

56 visits

20180831 131303 001

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31 Aug 2018

52 visits

20180831 131915 001

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31 Aug 2018

33 visits

20180831 132907 001

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31 Aug 2018

44 visits

20180831 132951 001

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31 Aug 2018

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175 visits

Lake Tahoe

Looking directly west across the lake toward California. Sand Harbor unit of Lake Tahoe State Park, Nevada. Even on an August weekday we were lucky to get parking here! It's a popular area, due to the sandy beaches, and hardy souls even get in the water. Lake Tahoe is natural, but its level was raised by a small outlet dam, for water storage, about a century ago. Despite local urban legends, it is _not_ a volcanic crater!

31 Aug 2018

47 visits

IMG 3630

18 items in total