20181020 124705

10-20-18 (TRT_to_falls)

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20 Oct 2018

67 visits

20181020 113012 001

20 Oct 2018

35 visits

20181020 113558 001

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20 Oct 2018

59 visits

20181020 124705

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20 Oct 2018

2 favorites


412 visits

Galena Creek Falls

On (yes!) Galena Creek, in the Carson Range off the Tahoe Rim Trail, on the Nevada side. The white stuff _is_ ice--it was freezing overnight already. Nonetheless, there were lots of hikers, so getting a pic without people took some effort. Galena Creek is named after the old mining camp of Galena, the site of which is now overtaken by suburban sprawl out of Reno, Nevada. In turn, "galena" is lead sulfide, PbS, the primary ore mineral for lead.

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20 Oct 2018

61 visits

20181020 125451 001

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20 Oct 2018

63 visits

20181020 130216

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20 Oct 2018

67 visits

20181020 132534 001

20 Oct 2018

50 visits

20181020 135800

20 Oct 2018

70 visits

IMG 4715

12 items in total