IMG 3308


Folder: unsorted2

20180826 120940 001

IMG 3283

IMG 3285

Sierra Juniper

26 Aug 2018 4 4 380
Another very large specimen on the Pacific Crest trail about a mile north of the Tamarack Lake trailhead, near Lower Blue Lake. For the scale see the inset! The large blocky boulder at the left is a glacial erratic.

IMG 3287

(L to R) A large erratic, Joyce, Jack, and a big S…

26 Aug 2018 1 219
On the Pacific Crest Trail about a mile north of the Tamarack Lake trailhead, near Lower Blue Lake.

IMG 3291

20180826 123344 001

20180826 123458 001

IMG 3308

IMG 3314

IMG 3315

Sierra Juniper

26 Aug 2018 1 220
Off the Pacific Crest Trail between the Blue Lakes trailhead and Lost Lakes. Sierra Nevada, California.

IMG 3321

93 items in total