20171119 110604 001


Folder: unsorted
Horsethief Canyon

IMG 2608

IMG 2618

IMG 2623

IMG 0137

IMG 2630

20171119 124645 001

20171119 125438 001

IMG 0139

20171119 130404 001

More Big Sierra Junipers

19 Nov 2017 3 3 321
Joyce and Jill at the base give the scale. Horsethief Canyon, off CA State Route 88. This juniper is one of a line of three large trees (inset).

20171119 131517 002

Sierra Junipers

19 Nov 2017 1 2 113
Horsethief Canyon, California.

20171119 132249 001

IMG 0164

IMG 0171

20171119 134011 001

IMG 2644

IMG 2645

40 items in total