IMG 3005

8-03-18 (Black Cyn, etc.)

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03 Aug 2018

30 visits

20180803 134046

03 Aug 2018

75 visits

20180803 134053

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03 Aug 2018

53 visits

20180803 145516 001

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03 Aug 2018

69 visits

20180803 145545 001

03 Aug 2018

75 visits

IMG 3005

03 Aug 2018

78 visits

20180803 172657 001

03 Aug 2018

82 visits

20180803 172731 001

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03 Aug 2018

52 visits

IMG 4068

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03 Aug 2018

10 favorites


757 visits

Gunnison River

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado. Looking upstream, from off the trail to Exclamation Point(!--yes, that's the name!) This is on the canyon's north rim, which gets a _lot_ less usage as it's accessed only by a graded road. The canyon depth here is ca. 1600 ft (~490 m), if memory serves.
11 items in total