20170716 140658 001


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16 Jul 2017

55 visits

IMG 6532

16 Jul 2017

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IMG 6531

16 Jul 2017

33 visits

IMG 6529

16 Jul 2017

56 visits

IMG 6528

16 Jul 2017

55 visits

20170716 165845 001

16 Jul 2017

51 visits

20170716 140658 001

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16 Jul 2017

1 favorite

197 visits

Watson Lake

Looking northeast.

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16 Jul 2017

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744 visits

Watson Lake

A small cirque lake on Mt. Watson, in California's Sierra Nevada above the north end of Lake Tahoe. It's just off the Tahoe Rim Trail. The left insert shows a slightly different view (I couldn't decide which I liked better); the right insert is looking back at this point from across the lake. There's a small campground here, and some of the camps and vehicles are visible in that pic. The lake is high this year because of the good water season.