20170904 163200


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04 Sep 2017

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735 visits

Yes, that's the trail--

Trail along Marysville Creek, originally a jeep road, which has been a foot path for years and is now seriously overgrown. (Google still shows it as a road. Google is wrong!) Two of the more obnoxious overgrowing plants are seen here: Russian olive (exotic, with the pale gray-green leaves), and roses (native, with the darker green leaves and red fruiting bodies). Both have big thorns, which inspired the following bit of doggerel: Roses are thorny; Russian olives are too. We're bound to get bloody As we push our way thru! And we did--but a friend of ours says you must always leave some blood on the mountain on an excursion, otherwise you weren't pushing hard enough! Not sure I agree--

04 Sep 2017

53 visits

20170904 131050

04 Sep 2017

51 visits

20170904 135040 001

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04 Sep 2017

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552 visits

Beaver Dam

On Marysville Creek, Toiyabe Range, Nevada. Beaver have made a big comeback in the mountain West since being hunted nearly to extinction in the early 19th century. The inset is a close-up of the materials in another dam, where the gnawed-off ends of the sticks and small logs are evident.

04 Sep 2017

62 visits

20170904 140319 001

04 Sep 2017

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20170904 140635 001

04 Sep 2017

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20170904 140641 001

04 Sep 2017

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20170904 131035 001

04 Sep 2017

55 visits

20170904 150606

17 items in total