IMG 1899


Folder: unsorted
PCT, Tinker Knob

Castle Peaks

27 Aug 2017 2 2 337
Sierra Nevada, California. Looking north from the Jeep road to the Coldstream Trail. The prominent double highway on the flank of the ridge below is Interstate 80, on its way to Donner Summit.

IMG 1899

20170827 141147 001

20170827 141154 001

IMG 1905

20170827 144735 001

IMG 7343

IMG 1911

20170827 151045 001

IMG 7353

No bikes!

27 Aug 2017 217
Junction of the Coldstream Trail with the Pacific Crest Trail, near Tinker Knob. Our black tri Australian shepherd, Jack, is poking into the picture on the left.

IMG 7357

20170827 151612 001

Tinker Knob

27 Aug 2017 1 2 249
Looking east off the Pacific Crest Trail. 8949 ft/2728 m. Sierra Nevada, California, about 6 miles south of Donner Summit.

20170827 153408 001

IMG 1933

IMG 1935

20170827 153537 001

49 items in total