IMG 6689


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Lakes Basin hike

IMG 6629

20170806 130936

20170806 131154 001

20170806 131158 001

Long Lake

06 Aug 2017 1 3 595
In Lakes Basin, at the vague northern end of California's Sierra Nevada. Like most of these Sierra lakes, it's natural but its level has been raised by a small outlet dam, for water storage, probably in the early 20th century. The drowned snags most likely date from then. The lake level is higher than it's been in years due to the good water season. The inset on the left is a view southward, from a point above the shoreline; the right inset is the view north toward Mt. Elwell (the high point right of center).

20170806 131344 001

IMG 6654

Long Lake

06 Aug 2017 190
Mt. Elwell (7818 ft/2383 m) on the skyline at right. Lakes Basin, Sierra Nevada, California.

20170806 131529 001

IMG 1597

IMG 1598

Long Lake

06 Aug 2017 201
Looking southwest. Lakes Basin, Sierra Nevada, California.

20170806 133924

20170806 134408 001

20170806 134706 001

20170806 135940 001

IMG 6679 adj

20170806 141134 001

51 items in total