Tide Out

Sunday Challenge

Folder: images on Explore

TSC..... Mother's Day x

17 Mar 2012 19 44 407
TSC ......Happy Mothers day even though it was March in the UK .......I wish to send to every Mother all round the world this message !!....

Heavy ... "Metal" ... for the TSC

16 Jul 2011 22 52 741
For the "The Sunday Challenge "..... Metal ..... Taken from my archives . Which was previously on my photostream .... Insert image .....help yourself in case you need it !! Out for the day so will catch up later ...... all have a good Sunday !!

"S"for Slimy Snails .."C" for Curves ..TSC

27 May 2017 16 41 702
For.. The Sunday Challenge ( TSC ) ..... S ...Shape or/& C ..Curves I gathered these Snails from a small area in my garden, this is the only place they reside & keep contained .....It was fun doing this trying to stop them escaping whilst I took the pic, .... no Snails were harmed in doing the photos.... See insert image. the one that got away !!

Place you love ....TSC....

03 Jun 2017 28 46 430
For .." The Sunday Challenge "......Places you love ... This challenge was hard in a way because there are so many favourite places I love..... Antique shops are where I'm at my happiest rummaging ....This is in Rye a small but very popular town swarming with Antique shops near the Harbour ......Worth a visit see link www.ryesussex.co.uk

No Introduction !! ( TSC )

10 Jun 2017 24 44 509
TSC ......photograph shadow(s). anything goes, but only shadow(s) in the image This was taken with the Sun coming from behind onto the wall & showing the venetian blinds.

Achillea....(Cloth of Gold )

19 Jun 2017 25 42 472
The Sunday Challenge...TSC .....Back to basics ... this is straight from the camera, no post processing allowed ! Stokers suggestion of 'back to basics' either use a non-zoom or set your lens to 35 or 50mm only, camera to ISO100, and lets see something SOOC, no crop, no post pro, just like in the old days of film, or even use ISO100 film, mono or colour.

" Rainmaker "

07 Jul 2017 16 27 710
TSC....RAIN, plain and simple.. and if you don't get any real rain this week you will have to make your own with water.......for "The Sunday Challenge" We have hardly any rain for months in the South East of the UK !!..... so had to resort to other methods !! PS.....I can't do pips due to subscription has lapsed !!

Straight Lines .....

22 Jul 2017 19 32 569
The Sunday Challenge .... TSC ......Straight Lines .... Image 2 in NTSC as my sub has expired !!

Marmite Building .....Love it or Hate it !!

22 Jul 2017 11 20 321
Not The Sunday Challenge ....Straight Lines .... This is called by the locals Marmite ...people are divided .... they either Love it or Hate it !!! Here is another for Straight Lines.... my Sub has expired & not able to do pips, have added this here in NTSC group !!

Flash Bulb ....

29 Jul 2017 15 45 444
The Sunday Challenge ....Flash >>>>>>using your flash.. Gillian suggested this.. so here the drill let's keep to minimal processing you can use 'fill flash' or you can use your flash in a darker setting Straight from the Camera no editing only very sight crop....try on black ..

Green green grass of home !!

03 Aug 2017 21 35 432
For ..The Sunday Challenge ......Landscape .. the colour green !!

Spot on !!

18 Aug 2017 33 50 496
The Sunday Challenge ......Polka-Dots

Hands Up !!......if you are Guilty ?

09 Sep 2017 16 30 511
The Sunday challenge......Kitsch... This my own interpretation of Kitsch !! These hands were in a shop window display,.....I have put the original into the NTSG group, as I can't do PIPs at the moment. The hands are for putting your rings on ....

Step in the right direction !!

16 Sep 2017 34 62 896
The Sunday Challenge .......Repeating patterns & Items ... Press Z or click image for large

Seen better days !!!

23 Sep 2017 28 54 866
For ....The Sunday Challenge ..... transition..... I couldn't make my mind up of the two see pips ......which is Rosehips .... "And still the Dog Rose shines in the hedge "......."John Montague".... Austin Healey 100/4 1954 ..... in my garage waiting for restoration..... if ever !!!

Coiled springs..

30 Sep 2017 22 36 804
The Sunday Challenge ....Spring(s) NOT the season but the item.. Tin of old used Springs that maybe useful one day !!! “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” ― William Morris PIP is...... 1959 Sunbeam Special ...suspension springs

Autumn coming early !!

Spice of Life !!

21 Oct 2017 34 53 1042
For ,,,The Sunday Challenge .....Herbs & Spices I used ....Cinnamon Sticks ....Oregano....Coriander ....Whole Cloves....Dried Rosemary....Hand picked Rosemary....Pickling Spices ....Sweet Paprika ....Dried oranges ...Red Berries .... & Cones.... Do you remember this Tongue twister ... Peter Piper & recite as fast as you can.....Sorry but not sure if it works in other Languages ..... Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

81 items in total