Flowers give Pleasure !!

Textured images

Folder: images on Explore

20 Jan 2018

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1 021 visits

Please look the other way !!!

The Sunday Challenge TSC ........Challenge: Butts, Bums & Behinds, Be creatively careful. :)

22 Jul 2017

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579 visits

Straight Lines .....

The Sunday Challenge .... TSC ......Straight Lines .... Image 2 in NTSC as my sub has expired !!

09 Sep 2017

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520 visits

Hands Up !!......if you are Guilty ?

The Sunday challenge......Kitsch... This my own interpretation of Kitsch !! These hands were in a shop window display,.....I have put the original into the NTSG group, as I can't do PIPs at the moment. The hands are for putting your rings on ....

23 Sep 2017

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876 visits

Seen better days !!!

For ....The Sunday Challenge ..... transition..... I couldn't make my mind up of the two see pips ......which is Rosehips .... "And still the Dog Rose shines in the hedge "......."John Montague".... Austin Healey 100/4 1954 ..... in my garage waiting for restoration..... if ever !!!

30 Sep 2017

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816 visits

Coiled springs..

The Sunday Challenge ....Spring(s) NOT the season but the item.. Tin of old used Springs that maybe useful one day !!! “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” ― William Morris PIP is...... 1959 Sunbeam Special ...suspension springs

01 Feb 2018

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772 visits

The waiting room !!!

The Sunday Challenge .......Everyday Stuff In Abstract... Please have a pip or picture in a comment box that shows the original item picture. " Waiting makes me restless. When I'm ready, I'm ready ~ Reba McEntire ~ But not for the Dentist .... is where I was !!!

15 Sep 2018

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450 visits

Rent Money 1940's !!!

The Sunday Challenge ....Our next challenge is all to do with money related things. BUT!...NO pictures of any actual money! Found these Rent books in my Mum's belongings after she passed.... so kept them as you do, must have known I would have a use for them one day. They go back to 1949 up to 1968 it was the same amount of rent for years unlike today ..... they are falling apart but can't bin them ...

19 Sep 2018

21 favorites


506 visits

Seen better days !!

01 Sep 2018

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404 visits

A Dry Day Again !!

The Sunday Challenge ......Weather related. I bought this Barometer many years ago & found it rather sad that someone's Wedding Gift ended in an Antique shop. I often wonder who the couple were & what a lovely Wedding gift to receive. If they had any family that surely would have loved this for a family heirloom.... sadly not ! In the Pips .....The Plaque reads .......From the Antelope Skittle Mr & Mrs J Macklin....A Wedding Gift 1932
21 items in total