Rustica – Le Canard Aylesbury


Some old covers of the French magazine Rustica.

04 May 2014

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245 visits

Rustica – Le Canard Aylesbury

A French magazine about farming and rural stuff. Still in existence.

04 May 2014

204 visits

Rustica – Premiers Chevreaux

A French magazine about farming and rural stuff. Still in existence.

04 May 2014


232 visits

Rustica – Pensez à vos plantations de Pommes de Terre

Not sure why these ladies are cutting their potatoes in half. A French magazine about farming and rural stuff. Still in existence.

04 May 2014

204 visits

Rustica – Parlons encore d’Arrosage

A French magazine about farming and rural stuff. Still in existence.

04 May 2014

2 favorites

242 visits

Rustica – Traitez vos arbres

A French magazine about farming and rural stuff. Still in existence.

04 May 2014

198 visits

Rustica – Soins aux Canetons

A French magazine about farming and rural stuff. Still in existence.

04 May 2014

201 visits

Rustica – Surveillez vos Porcelets

A French magazine about farming and rural stuff. Still in existence.

04 May 2014

197 visits

Rustica – Pour nourir vos Moutons

A French magazine about farming and rural stuff. Still in existence.