Dies natalis of Leiden University

Dies natalis 2013 of Leiden University

Folder: Leiden, the Netherlands
Some pictures of the celebration of the Foundation Day of Leiden University. Three honourary doctorates were bestowed, on Patricia Crone, Michael Cook and Rien Verhoef. The university got a new Rector too: prof. Paul van der Heijden gave his chain to prof. Carel Stolker.

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08 Feb 2013

150 visits

Dies natalis of Leiden University

The University was 438 years old today (February 8, 2013).

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08 Feb 2013

98 visits

Watching the procession

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08 Feb 2013

143 visits

The student procession

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08 Feb 2013

116 visits

The student procession

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08 Feb 2013

123 visits

The student procession

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08 Feb 2013

130 visits

The student procession

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08 Feb 2013

142 visits

The student procession

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08 Feb 2013

185 visits

A new Rector for Leiden University

Outgoing Rector prof. Paul van der Heijden on the left, new Rector prof. Carel Stolker on the right. In front the Beadle Willem van Beelen. On their way to the St. Peter's Church from the Academy Building. This procession has been held since the inception of the university in 1575.

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08 Feb 2013

176 visits

Het cortège van het Academiegebouw naar de Pieterskerk

Procession from the Academy Building to the St. Peter's Church. In front the Beadle of the University Willem van Beelen, behind with chain the outgoing Rector prof. Paul van der Heijden, next to him the new Rector prof. Carel Stolker. Between the two Rectors prof. Michael Cook of Princeton University who together with prof. Patricia Crone (visible to the left of Paul van der Heijden) received an honourary doctorate for their work on early Islamic history. Behind Crone in evening dress Rien Verhoef, who also received an honourary doctorate for his literary translations.
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