Museum Boerhaave – Portrait of Andreas Grünheide, the Prussian sword-swallower

Museum Boerhaave

Folder: Leiden, the Netherlands

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19 Oct 2010

209 visits

Museum Boerhaave – Portrait of Andreas Grünheide, the Prussian sword-swallower

"In 1635 at the University of Köningsberg, a knife was removes from Andreas Grünheide. He had swallowed the knife a month earlier in a drinking bout. Such an operation was a very risky business in those days but this one went remarkably well. As a memento the professor in charge had this painting made for his Leiden colleague Otto Heurnius. The ‘Portrait of a Prussian Peasant, who Swallowed a knife 10 inches Long’’immediately gained a place among the other raities in the Leiden Anatomy Theather." From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.

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19 Oct 2010

218 visits

Museum Boerhaave – Skeleton of horse and rider

From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.

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19 Oct 2010

160 visits

Museum Boerhaave – Herbarium vivae eicones

Made by Otto Brungels. Strasbourg 1539 From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.

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19 Oct 2010

201 visits

Museum Boerhaave – One of the rooms

From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.

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19 Oct 2010

170 visits

Museum Boerhaave – The Llama

From Georg Marcgraf, a student from Liebstadt (Saxony). He went on a expedition with the Dutch West Indies Company, where he studied flora and fauna in Brasil. From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.

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19 Oct 2010

178 visits

Museum Boerhaave – Newton's Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

This is the edition of Leiden University Library. From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.

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19 Oct 2010

334 visits

Museum Boerhaave – A depiction of the Comet of 1757 or 1758

Later known as Halley's Comet. From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.

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19 Oct 2010

211 visits

Museum Boerhaave – De humani corporis fabrica libri septem by Vesalius

From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.

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19 Oct 2010

166 visits

Museum Boerhaave – Plate electrical machine of Cuthbertson

From their website: National Museum of the History of Science and Medicine As the national treasury of scientific endeavours, the museum shows some 400 years of advances in knowledge. Developments in the various sciences can be viewed in 24 rooms on two levels. The emphasis is on contributions from the Netherlands.
29 items in total