My Italian shaving cream


Products that I use or that I like to use.

My Italian shaving cream

19 Dec 2006 210
My Italian shaving cream

After dinner with German brandy

I ate this

Cigarette tower

08 Apr 2006 175
These brands are mostly forbidden now in Europe: their tar and nicotine levels were too high.

My Christmas Smoke

26 Dec 2006 130
Cohiba Esplendido

Beer of the High Official Manifestations

I ate this

A Fürst Bismarck Schnaps and a Bismarck Tower

Old products: Bubble Gum Cigarettes

Old products: Cigars from India

11 Aug 2007 137
I like the serious look on the man's face.

Old products: Van Nelle's Coffee and Tea

Old products: Hair Grease

Old products: Belomorkanal Cigarettes

Old products: Drawing Pins

Old products: Seagull Baby Powder

11 Aug 2007 147
This looks Chinese. The two characters bottom left look like the characters for China, but I do not anything about it.

Old products: Dr. Dushkind's Cigarettes

11 Aug 2007 214

Old products: Advertisement Cats

Old products: Negrita Kachelglans

142 items in total