Crossroad in Denmark


Pictures taken in Denmark.

Crossroad in Denmark

Hold afstand 2 pile

28 Aug 2010 168
In Dutch it would be "Houd afstand 2 tekens"

Angry cloud above the road

My hotel room in Copenhagen

Copenhagen – Royal door handle to the train statio…

Copenhagen – Central Station

Copenhagen – Model train set in the Central Statio…

Copenhagen – Central Station

Copenhagen – Central Station

Copenhagen – Hotel Astoria

Copenhagen – Danish money

28 Aug 2010 164
The man with the pipe is the well-known physicist Niels Bohr.

Copenhagen – Danish money

Copenhagen – Old gate from 1736

28 Aug 2010 139
Nybrogade Gade is probably kade in Dutch and quay in English.

Copenhagen – 7-eleven

28 Aug 2010 138
I thought the 7-eleven was a US thing, but Copenhagen has it too.

Copenhagen – Parliament

28 Aug 2010 141
Now Theater Museum

Copenhagen – Church of Holmen

Copenhagen – Volvo bus

Copenhagen – King's Brewery on the Christians Bryg…

28 Aug 2010 138
Because it is old, it is in black-and-white.

78 items in total