PCC 1147 on the Statenplein in the Hague

Trains & trams

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Anything on rails.

PCC 1147 on the Statenplein in the Hague

PCC 1160 on the Statenlaan

01 Jan 1983 207
in the Hague

Old pics: Railway bridge in Luxemburg

Abandoned train wagon in Keystone, South Dakota

Abandoned caboose in Keystone, South Dakota

Abandoned caboose in Keystone, South Dakota - deta…

Abandoned caboose in Keystone, South Dakota

Some old pictures of Portland, OR: Museum Streetca…

01 Oct 1997 211
Pictures I took in 1997.

Milwaukee Road Depot at Minneapolis

01 Oct 1997 179
Shot in 1997. The whole area is redeveloped now.

Abandoned train wagon in Keystone, South Dakota

Sign of the Kashtan | Каштан

02 Aug 2004 318
The Kiev-Berlin train Каштан: Київ-Берлін

Brake checker

02 Aug 2004 2 257
At important stations guys with long hammers come to check the brakes. The hit the brakes with the hammer, listen to the sound, and if it OK, that the train can go on.

Diesel locomotive 2M62U-0306

02 Aug 2004 1 2 270
for the stretch Korosten - Polish border

Locomotive ChS4-008 | ЧС4-008

02 Aug 2004 2 2 635
at Kiev station for the stretch from Kiev to Korosten

Kovel | Ковель station with train D1-731-1

02 Aug 2004 1 237
Kovel, Ukraine

Kovel | Ковель Station

Korosten | Коростень Station

02 Aug 2004 208
Korosten, Ukraine. Korosten was heavily damaged in WO II.

Сарни / Sarny Station

02 Aug 2004 228
Station building of Sarny, Ukraine

1363 items in total