I'm off to London for a couple of days: welcoming committee



I'm off to London for a couple of days: welcoming…

01 Aug 2003 260
picture from 2003.

Hairy horse in Laren

White carriage and black horses

07 Feb 2007 182
Don't ask me what this all about, because I don't know

The boot of a guardsman

British Museum: muscles on a horse

03 Apr 2007 205
Naked men on horseback are rare these days.

British Museum: Young man and a horse

03 Apr 2007 1 216
For some reason the habit of handling horses whilst naked is lost. This comes from the Roman empire and is dated AD 125

Police on horseback

05 Jul 2007 313
"Somebody fed what looked like a cube of sugar to the policeman's horse. The horse showed up at a sit-in in Georgia." Woody Allen

Police on horseback – the rear

Boot of a Policeman on horseback

A visit to the Open Air Museum (Heritage Park): ha…

05 Oct 2007 185
After the Kröller-Müller Museum, we went to the Open Air Museum, that is a heritage park.

The welcoming committee – again

05 Dec 2007 200
Lining up for inspection and sending off.

Stuck in traffic

I visited the newly-opened Guards museum

06 Dec 2007 194
Apparantly they spent hours polishing those boots. First beeswax then layers of boot polish. No pictures inside, so I had to photograph them outside.

I visited the newly-opened Guards museum

06 Dec 2007 191
No pictures inside, so I had to photograph them outside.

I visited the newly-opened Guards museum

06 Dec 2007 195
No pictures inside, so I had to photograph them outside.

I visited the newly-opened Guards museum

06 Dec 2007 182
Apparantly they spent hours polishing those boots. First beeswax then layers of boot polish. No pictures inside, so I had to photograph them outside.

If the car wasn't invented, the city would be full…

Horse-drawn carriage

06 Apr 2008 155
in Duisburg, Germany.

482 items in total