Valfal's favorite photos

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H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

HFF, everyone!

Foggy day throughout the centre of Spain that day.

Hospital de Maudes, Madrid

HFF! (a tricky shot, almost directly into the sun!…

Parque de Santander, Madrid. Swans! ;o)

Plaza de Chamberí. Madrid.

The heavy gear gets to work on the Estadio Santiag…

The Old Coast Path. H. A. N. W. E. everybody!

HFF everyone.

Along the ridge. La Sierra de La Cabrera. H. A. N.…

Hospital de Maudes

Newdown's Head, St Agnes, Cornwall

Buitrago de Lozoya, old walls and gateway.

HFF everyone. (better on full screen).

I missed roses at their peak this year but just ca…

Little local parish church spotted on a walk.

Mushroom Rock again!

194 items in total