Frode's photos

Boloria selene

23 Jun 2017 13 7 176
Small pearl-bordered fritillary

P8146442 - Peacock butterfly

14 Aug 2016 19 7 180
Aglais io on greek oregano plant

DSC 0367 - Red Admiral

05 Sep 2018 6 6 129
Vanessa atalanta on Rosa rugosa

DSC 1196

01 Aug 2019 9 6 135
Argynnis paphia on greek oregano plant

DSC 1463

15 Aug 2019 19 18 204
Nymphalis urticae or Aglais urticae on greek oregano plant

DSC 2279

18 May 2021 19 15 147
Found a way to get the last sunflowerseeds :-)

DSC 2228

03 May 2021 15 21 215
Sunrise with sunpillar just before the rain came (see note)


18 Nov 1998 23 21 185
Canon EOS 100 Canon EF 35-70mm Kodak Ektapress


10 Apr 1974 4 6 84
Nikon F Nikkor 85mmf1.8 Kodacolor 200 Nikon Flash


16 Apr 1995 22 34 205
VW 1300 - 1965 Olympus OM1 G-Zuiko 50mmf1.4 Kodak Ektapress PJM

The twins and the view

05 Sep 1972 31 18 157
Nikon F + Nikkor 85mmf1.8 + Kodachrome film Nikon ES-1 Slide copying adapter on Olympus E-PL1

Oyster Mushroom - Pleurotus Ostreatus

24 Aug 2005 17 4 125
Canon Powershot A60


07 Dec 1981 28 20 187
Nikon F Nikkor 24mmf2.8 Kodachrome-X

Windmill - Sjælland, Denmark

05 Jul 1990 10 5 113
Olympus OM1 Zuiko 40mmf2 Fujichrome RDP

300 items in total