Porta Marina


Folder: Roman Empire
Pompeii, along with Herculaneum and many villas in the surrounding area, was mostly destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 metres of ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

Researchers believe that the town was founded in the seventh or sixth century BC by the Osci or Oscans. It came under the domination of Rome in the 4th century BC, and was conquered and became a Roman colony in 8…  (read more)

Porta Marina

15 Oct 2014 209
The entrance into Pompeii from the west. This picture contains Notes - hover the mouse over the picture and click on the box(es) to see extra pictures.

Road into Pompeii

15 Oct 2014 1 266
Via Marina.

Temple of Apollo

Statue of Apollo

15 Oct 2014 176
Replica of the statue found in the Temple of Apollo.


15 Oct 2014 1 385
Temple of Jupiter with Vesuvius in the background.


15 Oct 2014 258
Looking through two honorary arches. This picture contains Notes - hover the mouse over the picture and click on the box(es) to see extra pictures.

Mensa Ponderaria

15 Oct 2014 677
Near the temple of Apollo in the Forum this consists of two stacked limestone benches, each with cavities corresponding to the different measurements, and with a hole at the bottom through which to pass the product to be measured. Beginning in the late 2nd century BC, this was set up by the public office to control weights and measures, gauged according to the local Oscan system, but later standardized to the Augustan system as noted in the inscription engraved on the front (approximately 20 BC). A. CLODIVS A. F. FLACCVS NARCAEVS N. F. A. ARELLIAN. CALIDVS D. V. I. D. MENSVRAS EXAEQVANDAS EX DEC. DECR. Aulus Clodius Flaccus, son of Aulus, Narcaeus Arellianus Calidus son of Narcaeus, duumvirs responsible for dispensing justice, took care of gauge measures after a decree by the Decurions.

Honorary Arch

15 Oct 2014 198
To the north of the Forum.

Forum Roadside Sign

Temple of Vespasian

15 Oct 2014 188
In the Forum. At the centre is the marble altar. The relief depicts a priest with covered head before an altar, and a bull being led to sacrifice. This picture contains Notes - hover the mouse over the picture and click on the box(es) to see extra pictures.

Temple of the Public Lares

15 Oct 2014 499
The purpose of this building is unknown and its identification is disputed.Traditionally it was thought to be the focus of worship of the guardian spirits (Lares) of the town but there is no proof for this. It was completely open on the side looking on to the Forum and could be reached through a portico adjoining the colonnade on the Forum, the bases of which are still visible. The temple had no roof and and in the centre stood an altar, of which few remains can now be seen. In the rear wall a niche where it was proposed that statues of the public Lares stood.


15 Oct 2014 306
The Macellum of Pompeii is located outside the northeast corner of the forum. When it was first discovered, because of the twelve column bases in the centre, the excavators believed it was a Temple of Hercules. However, when subsequent excavation turned up a large number of fish bones in the drains below the middle of the courtyard, the archaeologists realised that this was a meat and fish market.

Eumachia Building

15 Oct 2014 371
The marble entrance. The building was named after Eumachia whose statue was found here. An inscription states that the priestess Eumachia constructed the building and dedicated it to the cult of Concordia Augusta and Pietas. This picture contains Notes - hover the mouse over the picture and click on the box(es) to see extra pictures.


15 Oct 2014 2 263
Thought to have been the venue for municipal elections although it is now thought that the whole Forum would have been used. It was unroofed and originally had a marble floor. This picture contains Notes - hover the mouse over the picture and click on the box(es) to see extra pictures.

Via dell'Abbondanza

15 Oct 2014 288
The main east-west road of Pompeii, the three stones mark the termination of the road at Via Stabiana. This picture contains Notes - hover the mouse over the picture and click on the box(es) to see extra pictures.

Via dell'Abbondanza

15 Oct 2014 256
Main east-west street through Pompeii. This picture contains Notes - hover the mouse over the picture and click on the box(es) to see extra pictures.

Water Fountain

15 Oct 2014 197
On Via dell'Abbondanza. This picture contains Notes - hover the mouse over the picture and click on the box(es) to see extra pictures.

Water Tower

15 Oct 2014 179
On Via della'Abbondanza.

120 items in total