Islamic Dedications

Córdoba Archaeology Museum

Folder: Places

16 Nov 2012

159 visits

Islamic Dedications

Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012.

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16 Nov 2012

204 visits

Ceramic Wall Tiles

In blue and gold. From the chapel of San Bartolomé, Córdoba. 15th century. Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012.

16 Nov 2012

300 visits

Celtiberian Jewellery

Silver torqs and fibulae (brooches). 2nd century BC. From Alcaraceros, the treasure of the Almadenes. Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012.

16 Nov 2012

182 visits

Ships's Prow (Roman)

Limestone. 1st century AD. Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012.

16 Nov 2012

471 visits

Statue Base Inscription (Roman)

COLONIA PATRIC(ia) L(ucius) IVNIVS P(ublii) F(ilius) SER(gia) PAVLINVS PONTIF(ex) FLAMEN PERPET(uus) IIVIR C(olonorum) C(oloniae) P(atriciae) FLAM(en) PROVINC(iae) BAET(icae) EDITO OB HONOREM FLAMINATVS MVNERE GLADIATORIO ET DVABVS LVSIONIB(us) STATVAS QVAS OB HONORES CONIVNCTOS PROMISERAT EX HS CCCC [milibus] POSVIT ET FACTIS CIRCIENS(ibus) DED(icavit) CIL 2, 7, 0221 "Colonia Patricia. Lucius Junius Paulinus, son of Publius, of the Sergia voting tribe, flamen priest, perpetual duumvir of the colonia of Colonia Patricia, priest of the Baetic province, after giving - in honour of his appointment as flamen - gladiatorial combats and two without killing, has erected statues he had promised to honour his two titles for 4,000 sesterces and he devoted after giving circus games." 2nd century AD. Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012.

16 Nov 2012

228 visits

Portrait of Augustus (?)

Emperor Augustus. Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012.

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16 Nov 2012

423 visits

Portrait of Drusus (Roman)

Son of the emperor Tiberius. 1st century AD. Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012.

16 Nov 2012

1 comment

221 visits

Brass Letters

Used in part of an inscription. Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012. The Alphabet Site - End of Round

16 Nov 2012

214 visits

Portrait of Livia (Roman)

Wife of Emperor Augustus, mother of Emperor Tiberius. Córdoba Archaeology Museum, Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain. November 2012.
13 items in total