Roman Altar

Durham Archaeology Museum

Folder: Roman Britain
The Museum of Archaeology, opened in 1975, is a museum of the University of Durham in England.

23 Jun 2012

156 visits

Roman Altar

Dedicated to Silvanus, god of the woodlands. From Eastgate, Co. Durham.: DEO SILVANO AVRELIVS QUIRINVS PR(AEFECTVS) F(ECIT) To the god Silvanus, Aurelius Quirinus, prefect, made (this). RIB 1042 Durham Archaeology Museum. June 2012.

23 Jun 2012

161 visits

Roman Altar

Dedicated to Asculpius, god of healing. From Lanchester it is inscribed ib both Greek and Latin (Greek on reverse side): (AESCVLA) PIO T(ITVS) FL(AVIVS) TITIANVS TRIB(VNVS) V(OTVM) S(OLVIT) L(AETVS) L(IBENS) M(ERITO) To Aesculpius, Titus Flavius Titianus, tribune, gladly, willingly and deservedly fulfilled his vow. RIB1072 Durham Archaeology Museum. June 2012.

23 Jun 2012

181 visits

Roman Altar

Dedicated to Cybele, the great mother goddess. Found near Carrawburgh, Northumberland: D(EAE) M(ATRI) D(EVM) TRANQVIL A SEVERA PRO SE ET SVI S V(OTVM) S(OLVIT) L(IBENS) M(ERITO) To the goddess, mother of the gods, Tranquila Severa, for herself and for her family, willingly and deservedly fulfilled her vow. RIB 1539 Durham Archaeology Museum. June 2012.

23 Jun 2012

152 visits

Dedication Slab

This slab recorded the building of the bath-house which was found near Lanchester fort: IMP(ERATOR) CAES(AR) M(ARCVS) ANT(ONIVS) GORDIA- NVS P(IVS) F(ELIX) AVG(VSTVS) BALNEVM CVM BASILICA A SOLO INSTRVXIT PER EGN(ATIVM) LVCILIANVM LEG(ATVM) AVG(VSTI) PR(O) PR(AETORE) CVRANTE M(ARCO) AVR(ELIO) QVIRINO PR(A)EF(ECTO) COH(ORTIS)I L(INGONVM) GOR(DIANAE) Emperor Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordianus Pius Felix Augustus erected from ground level this bath building with basilica through the agency of Egnatius Lucilianus, the pro-praetorian legate under the charge of Marcus Aurelis Quirinus, prefect of the first cohort of Lingonians, styled Gordiana. The Lingonians, from eastern France, were in Lanchester in the 3rd century AD. RIB 1091 Durham Archaeology Museum. June 2012.

23 Jun 2012

141 visits

Roman Tombstone

Found at Chesters recording the death of the commanding officer's daughter. Later than AD 161: D(IS) M(ANIBVS S(ACRVM) FABIAE HONOR ATE FABIVS HON ORATVS TRIBVN(VS) COH(ORTIS) I VANGION(VM) ET AVRELIA E(G)LEC (T)IANE FECER VNT FILIE D VLCISSIME Sacred to the spirits of the departed (and) to Fabia Honorata; Fabius Honoratus, tribune of the first cohort of Vangiones, and Aurelia Eglectiane erected this for their most sweet daughter. RIB 1482 Durham Archaeology Museum. June 2012.