Mount Grace Priory

Mount Grace Priory

167 visits  |  Translate into English

Folder: Places
Mount Grace Priory is the best preserved Carthusian charterhouse in England. Founded in 1398 it was the last monastery to be established in Yorkshire before the Reformation. It was closed in 1539 during the dissolution of the monasteries.
The ruins of its guest-house were incorporated into two later houses, a 17th century manor and a larger house of 1900-01.
Photos taken in July 2011.

24 Jul 2011

146 visits

Mount Grace Priory

Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

103 visits

Mount Grace Priory Church

Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

122 visits

Cross inside the Church

Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

100 visits

Doorway into the Cloister

Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

136 visits

Church Tower

Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

107 visits

Reconstructed Cell

Typical monk's cell, Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

107 visits

Monastery Garden

The garden of the reconstructed cell. Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

112 visits

Monastery Cell Doorway

The doorway showing the hatch through which food would have been passed. Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.

24 Jul 2011

101 visits

Food Hatch

The food hatch from inside the cell. Mount Grace Priory, North Yorkshire, England.
15 items in total