Arbeia - Gatehouse

Roman Forts

Folder: Roman Britain
The forts at Arbeia, Birdoswald, Chesters, Housesteads, Segedunum, Vindolanda and Vinovia are all in the Northeast of England, Caerleon is in South Wales.

Arbeia - Gatehouse

05 Sep 2004 171
The reconstructed gatehouse at Arbeia Roman Fort, South Shields.

Arbeia - Reconstructed Building

05 Sep 2004 111
View toward reconstructed Barrack Rooms

Arbeia - Courtyard

05 Sep 2004 142
Courtyard in the reconstructed Commanding Officer's building.

Arbeia - Commanding Officer's Courtyard

10 Apr 2011 131
Reconstructed Commanding Officer's Residence, Arbeia Roman Fort.

Arbeia - Commanding Officer's Bedroom

10 Apr 2011 129
Reconstructed Commanding Officer's Residence, Arbeia Roman Fort.

Arbeia - Fresco Detail

10 Apr 2011 121
Reconstructed Commanding Officer's Residence, Arbeia Roman Fort.

Arbeia - Summer Dining Room

30 Jul 2011 121
Arbeia Roman Fort, South Shields, UK.

Arbeia - Soldiers Quarters

10 Apr 2011 119
Reconstructed barrack room, Arbeia Roman Fort

Arbeia - Via Praetoria

30 Jul 2011 205
Arbeia Roman Fort, South Shields, UK.

Arbeia - View to Gatehouse

Arbeia - Strongroom

05 Sep 2004 177
Steps leading down to the strong room where soldiers pay and the legion's standards would have been kept.

Arbeia - Strongroom

30 Jul 2011 204
Arbeia Roman Fort, South Shields, UK.

Arbeia - Granary

Arbeia - Granary

30 Jul 2011 164
Arbeia Roman Fort, South Shields, UK.

Arbeia - Southwest Tower

Arbeia - Tombstone

10 Apr 2011 130
D M VICTORIS NATIONE MAVRVM ANNORVM XX LIBERTVS NVMERIANI EQITIS ALA I ASTVRVM QVI PIANTISSIME PROSEQVTVS EST "To the spirits of the departed and Victor, of the Moorish nation, twenty years old, freedman of Numerianus, a trooper of the First Wing of Asturians, who most devotedly conducted [his burial]." (RIB 1064) At Arbeia Roman Fort, South Shields.

Arbeia - Tombstone

10 Apr 2011 1 178
D M REGINA LIBERTA ET CONIVGE BARATES PALMYRENVS NATIONE CATVALLAVNA AN XXX "To the spirits of the departed and Regina, freedwoman and wife of Barates of Palmyra, a Catuvellaunian by race, thirty years old." (RIB 1065) At Arbeia Roman Fort.

Arbeia - Inscription

01 Oct 2014 2 2 56
IMP CAES DIVI SEVER NEPOS DIVI MGNI ANTONINI FIL M AVREL SEVERVS ..................... PIVS FELIX AVG PONTIF MAX TRIB POT PP COS AQVAM VISBVS MIL COH V GALLO IN DVXIT CVRATE MRIO VALERIANO LEG EIVS PR PR Translation:- The Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus, grandson of the deified Severus, son of Antoninus the Great, pontifex maximus, with tribunician power, father of his country, consul, brought in this supply of water for the use of the soldiers of the Fifth Cohort of Gauls, under the charge of Marius Valerianus, his propraetorian legate. RIB 1060 - Aqueduct dedication to Severus Alexander dated 222AD The presence of the Gallic infantry unit, Cohors V Gallorum, at South Shields is attested in this dedicatory inscription dated to 222AD, which celebrates the completion of the new fort aqueduct (vide supra).

166 items in total