Forum Romanorum

Ancient Rome

Folder: Roman Empire
Photos taken April 2006 and May 2019.

Forum Romanorum

15 May 2019 89
Showing the Lacus Curtius.

Via Sacra

11 Apr 2006 133
The main road which led through the Roman Forum from the Colosseum to the Capitoline Hill.

Roman Forum

13 Apr 2006 121
The heart of the Roman Republic, then Empire.

Roman Forum

13 Apr 2006 95
This is where it all happened 2000yrs ago!

Basilica Aemilia

14 Apr 2006 105
Looking toward the Curia (Senate House), Roman Forum, Rome.

Basilica Aemilia Entrance

14 Apr 2006 105
Roman Forum, Rome.

Basilica Aemilia

13 Apr 2006 109
This detail depicts Tarpea, who opened the city gates to the Sabines in exchange for what was on their arms, not realizing it would be their shields, under which she was buried for her treachery. It is a copy of the relief that adorned the architrave of the long central aisle of the basilica.

Roman Forum

14 Apr 2006 135
Looking toward the temple of Julius Caesar. The temple of Antoninus and Faustina is on the left, the temple of Romulus behind.

Julius Caesar Cremation Place

11 Apr 2006 401
The spot in the Roman Forum where Julius Caesar was cremated. Commemorated firstly with a column, then with the Temple of the Divine Julius, the remains of which can be seen in the background. Both column and temple were built during the reign of the emperor Augustus, Caesar's great nephew.

Curia Julia

14 Apr 2006 144
The Senate House (Curia) in the Roman Forum. There were a number of Senate Houses built on this site and this one was built in the late 3rd century by the emperor Diocletian.

Plutei of Trajan

11 Apr 2006 154
Inside the Senate House (Curia) in the Roman Forum, one of two called the Plutei of Trajan. The relief was formerly outside in the Forum, erected during the reign of Trajan.

Plutei of Trajan 2

11 Apr 2006 139
Inside the Senate House (Curia) in the Roman Forum, one of two called the Plutei of Trajan. The relief was formerly outside in the Forum, erected during the reign of Trajan.

Curia Floor

11 Apr 2006 188
The marble floor of the Curia (Senate house of ancient Rome) in the Roman Forum.


13 Apr 2006 104
The brown wall with the holes in (behind the white marble blocks) is the Rostra. This is the platform where all the important speeches were made. Named after the beaks of the ships which were captured during the battle of Actium (338BC) and secured into the wall where the holes are. May have been closer to the Curia originally.

Temple of Saturn

11 Apr 2006 125
The Temple of Saturn (left) is the oldest temple in the Roman Forum (497BC) although restorations were made up to 340AD. The inscription on the architrave reads, 'SENATUS POPULUSQUE ROMANUS INCENDIO CONSUMPTUM RESTITUIT' ("The Roman senate and people restored what fire had consumed"). This refers to a reconstruction in about 283AD after a major fire.

Roman Forum

11 Apr 2006 96
Looking toward the temple of Saturn, Rome.

Roman Forum

11 Apr 2006 123
Looking towards the Basilica Julia.


14 Apr 2006 202
Marks inscribed on the steps of the Basilica Julia in the Roman Forum. It may have been used for some sort of game?

84 items in total