
National Museum of Scotland

Folder: Places

05 Dec 2018

1 favorite

116 visits


In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

05 Dec 2018

2 favorites


261 visits

Weird Rock

The dark areas are full of iron minerals. Dark and light circles developed as the iron concentration varied while the rock was cooling. In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

05 Dec 2018

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1 comment

121 visits

Wylam Dilly Locomotive

This is one of the world's two oldest surviving steam locomotives. Built in 1813 it was used to pull coal along the Wylam Waggonway to the river near Newcastle-upon-Tyne in Northeast England. In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

05 Dec 2018

1 favorite

71 visits


This commemorates the building the most eastern part of the Antonine Wall, which cut Scotland in two. In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

05 Dec 2018

1 favorite

86 visits


Commemorating the building of their headquarters by the 6th Cohort of Nervians: [IMP CA]ESARI TITO [AELIO] HADRIANO [ANTO]NINO AVG [PIO] PP COH VI [NER]VIORVM PRI [NCI]PIA FECIT In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

05 Dec 2018

1 favorite

81 visits


In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

05 Dec 2018

1 favorite

96 visits

Building Stone

In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

05 Dec 2018

1 favorite

94 visits

Roman Soldiers

In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

05 Dec 2018

74 visits

Statue Leg

From a larger than life Roman statue. In the National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.
23 items in total