Flying over Spain

Málaga 2018

654 visits  |  Translate into English

Folder: Places

Parish Church

05 Feb 2018 81
San Felipe Neri, Malaga, Spain.

Parish Church

05 Feb 2018 75
San Felipe Neri, Malaga, Spain.

Malaga City Hall

04 Feb 2018 74
Malaga, Spain.

Calle Jinetes

04 Feb 2018 1 93
Malaga, Spain.

Alcazaba (Moorish Fortress)

04 Feb 2018 1 98
Malaga, Spain.

Alcazaba (Moorish Fortress)

04 Feb 2018 87
Malaga, Spain.

Alcazaba (Moorish Fortress)

04 Feb 2018 79
Malaga, Spain.

Alcazaba (Moorish Fortress)

04 Feb 2018 80
Malaga, Spain.

Alcazaba (Moorish Fortress)

04 Feb 2018 89
Malaga, Spain.

Alcazaba (Moorish Fortress)

04 Feb 2018 47
Malaga, Spain.

Alcazaba (Moorish Fortress)

04 Feb 2018 1 59
Malaga, Spain.

Alcazaba at Night

31 Jan 2018 1 72
Malaga, Spain.

Theatre Mask

01 Feb 2018 79
From the Villa La Estacion, Antequera. 1st to 2nd century AD. Roman Theatre, Malaga, Spain.

Theatre Mask

01 Feb 2018 1 81
From the Villa La Estacion, Antequera. 1st to 2nd century AD. Roman Theatre, Malaga, Spain.

Engraved Latin Text

04 Feb 2018 82
The end of the Interpretation Centre of the Roman Theatre is engraved with Latin text, part of the Lex Flavia Malacitana (the legal declarations of Málaga under the Roman Empire). Interpretation Centre, Roman Theatre, Malaga, Spain.

Roman Theatre

01 Feb 2018 1 69
The theatre was built in the first century BC, under Emperor Augustus. It was used until the third century AD, after which it was abandoned. In 756-780AD the theatre was used as a quarry by the area's Moorish settlers who excavated the stone to build the Alcazaba fortress, seen overlooking the theatre above. Some Roman columns and capitals can still be seen in the fortress. Over time it became buried under dirt and rubble, and remained hidden there for almost five centuries. It was rediscovered in 1951, when the construction of the Casa de Cultura uncovered the first archaeological clues. The construction of the gardens was abandoned, and instead excavations began. In 1995 a decision was made to demolish the Casa de la Cultura, which stood over a third of the site. Once the site had been fully excavated, a large scale restoration project began, which proved more difficult than anticipated, as many of the missing pieces had formed part of the foundations of the neighbouring Alcazaba. Malaga, Spain.

Roman Theatre

01 Feb 2018 89
Malaga, Spain.

Roman Theatre

01 Feb 2018 89
Malaga, Spain.

53 items in total