
Girl Scouts

08 Dec 2010

181 visits


Our Girl Scout troop invaded Luella's Quilt Basket for a meeting this week, and each girl learned to sew her own badges onto her sash.

08 Dec 2010

172 visits

Sewing on Badges

Our Girl Scout troop invaded Luella's Quilt Basket for a meeting this week, and each girl learned to sew her own badges onto her sash.

19 Feb 2011

188 visits

Girl Scout Cookie Time is Here

Cases in my living room, an hour ago (most are now gone with the girls who will deliver them).

09 Feb 2013

1 comment

159 visits

Girl Scout Day at the Pyramid

21 Mar 2009

214 visits

Hermosa Pier Plaza, 3/21

After selling Girl Scout cookies, three Brownies got free pizza slices from Paisano's for lunch on a Pier Plaza bench.

09 Dec 2012

161 visits

Girl Scouts on Parade

El Segundo Christmas Parade 2012.

16 Sep 2012

159 visits

Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes (Torrance Centennial Parade)

16 Sep 2012

202 visits

GS Troop 5365 (Torrance Centennial Parade)

16 Sep 2012

228 visits

Troop 14605 (Torrance Centennial Parade)

11 items in total