Howard Somerville's photos


21 Feb 2024 2 6 86
Plassey, India

Old Calcutta

Village Life

22 Feb 2024 7 2 78
Plassey, India

Slough Arm of the Grand Union Canal

To Market on the Hoogly

Slough Arm of the Grand Union Canal

Terracotta Temple

Plassey, India

The Grand Union at Berkhamsted

Vegetable Market, Matiari

Village Goats

22 Feb 2024 2 79
Plassey, India

Washing in the Hoogly

Baranagar, India

Ghosh Road, Calcutta

Pareshnath Jain Temple, Calcutta

Don Bosco Monument

25 Feb 2024 3 1 58
Sacred Heart Church, Calcutta. The plaques read: "TO JESUS through MARY" DON BOSCO Father and friend of youth. OUR LADY OF LOURDES The blessed Virgin Mary (mother of Jesus) in 1858 appeared to fourteen-year-old Marie Bernade (St Bernadette) Soubirous. Between February 11 and July 16,1858, the Blessed Virgin appeared eighteen times and showed herself to St Bernadette in the hollow of the rock at Lourdes (in France). On March 25, she said to the shepherdess who was only fourteen years of age. "I am the Immaculate Conception." Since then Lourdes (in France) has been a place of pilgrimage and many cures and conversions have taken place. The message of Lourdes is a call to personal conversion, prayer and charity.

Bathing in the Hoogli

1902 items in total