2010 en vrac

Folder: Tout en vrac


7528800208 0bbfbc2f27 o

Chiquito Lambert 011

Chiquito Lambert 010

Chiquito Lambert 008

Chiquito Lambert 004

2 décembre 2010 002 (3)

2 décembre 2010 002

Billie's black look

Soirée Reggaedub 200

Soirée Reggaedub 141

"Sortie" (Soirée Reggaedub 075)

11 Nov 2010 64
At the Gate "Plant for a moment to reexamine the necessities involved in the healthy growth of roots This time, magnify. Do it intently and correctly. Learn from the earth how to trust the silence and consistently produce the objective and enduring Unveil your new arrhythmical chant sang correctly out of tune and unaware of anything but the lava at the center The fucking ageless one The song your children will have to grow up with The rap they’ll have to skip when jumping rope amidst the nightscreams and daytime inventions in dreams Study and indulge in the neck deep science outside of the accepted cellular graphics to hopefully lift and turn the grid Be bled of wishful thinking and the seemingly helpful fluctuations of convictions not forgotten They thoughtlessly burn in front of you Mark time and wait inside your (not the word) soul It is so apparent, right there in front of your hopefully secular conditioned self Plan for the transplantation and find the place it died The reeking ultra burn, the frightening fertile ground It will come, wait in it, second by second Close your eyes Visualize Accept the opposite of where it lies Allow a sad and soft re-creation Draw the lines, ponder the holy rocks, doodle on dirty napkins, throw bones and coins against the walls Challenge and urinate on the paths that the genuine others followed for a while to locate every supposedly invisible tangent Try to respect the surprise when it arrives Dig in You’ve only to wait." ~ Kelly Roberti ~

Soirée Reggaedub 004 (2)

novembre 017

novembre 016

novembre 015

163 items in total