Take a look from my windows 2010

Folder: Take a look from my windows

01 Feb 2010

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64 visits

24 Mar 2010

87 visits

24 mars 196

01 Apr 2010

66 visits

La sirène de Saint Antonin

02 Apr 2010

68 visits

24 Apr 2010

66 visits

24 Apr 2010

61 visits

04 May 2010

86 visits

31 May 2010

1 favorite

1 comment

85 visits

03 Jun 2010

91 visits

3 juin 2011 002

It was the Rainbow gave thee birth, And left thee all her lovely hues; And, as her mother’s name was Tears, So runs it in my blood to choose For haunts the lonely pools, and keep In company with trees that weep. Go you and, with such glorious hues, Live with proud peacocks in green parks; On lawns as smooth as shining glass, Let every feather show its marks; Get thee on boughs and clap thy wings Before the windows of proud kings. Nay, lovely Bird, thou art not vain; Thou hast no proud, ambitious mind; I also love a quiet place That’s green, away from all mankind; A lonely pool, and let a tree Sigh with her bosom over me. ~ The Kingfisher by William Henry Davies ~
30 items in total