Urban Girl

Photos as Paintings

01 Jan 2015

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Urban Girl

New Rochelle and Bronx, NY

16 Feb 2015

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1 800 visits

Winter on the Hudson

Sleepy Hollow and Yonkers, NY

15 Feb 2016

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Larchmont, NY

29 Feb 2016

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Surrealist Face

Larchmont, NY

25 Oct 2015

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The Preciousness of Life

New Rochelle, NY Note: Featuring a statue of Buddha and a Ladybug that represents the preciousness of life, all of which is intrinsically priceless, unique and special. Because of this, the ladybug is represented in color within a heart that symbolizes the love we ought to have for life. Associated Article: Even a Bug's Life Matters -- www.ipernity.com/blog/285927/4727304

29 Sep 2019

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Larchmont, NY Note: I selected the title 1-1_3-1-1-3 since often during times of repression people have to use symbols and numbers to protect their lives and to express the magnitude and gravity and global ramifications of a coup if it succeeded in the United States. In my photo, I used an image of the constitution with the preamble “We the People” since it is the fundamental basis of the American democracy and all free countries and Scrabble® letters to form my message and provide the code numbers – “No Coup” and two pawns, one black and one white to represent people of all races and genders. The pawns are fallen since a coup would be the death knell of the United States, the people, our inalienable rights including that to even exist, our dreams and ultimate control over our personal destiny. Sadly, today's events in the United States has compelled me to move this photo to the front of my photo stream. This is the first time Washington, D.C. has seen political violence since 1876, the first time since 1814 during the War of 1812, the Capitol was stormed, and the first time people have died in this violence -- one brave Capitol police officer among the five who died. Regardless of what happens now, one cannot say we had a peaceful transition of power when President-elect Biden is certified the winner tonight or early tomorrow and sworn in on 20 January 2021. Those who engaged in this political violence and stormed the Capitol are terrorists, insurrectionists, and traitors. It was a violent coup attempt to overturn the will of the people expressed in free and fair elections. There's no other way to put it. I condemn these despicable acts in the strongest terms. Long live the Constitution and democracy! They will prevail while those involved including President Trump will be forever viewed with shame as history has no reason to be kind to them... ever!

17 May 2020

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683 visits

Lamentations 2020

The inspiration of this photo composition comes from Lamentations 1 since as they were relevant to the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, they are strikingly relevant to New York City of 2020, viewed by many as the “capital of the world.” In the grip of the COVID-19 pandemic, NYC has seen eerily empty streets, and scarce few visitors from the outside. Her businesses are shuttered and shut and cultural venues silenced. NYC has also been abandoned by many of her wealthiest who at the start of the pandemic, fled in fear. She has experienced empty shelves and been embraced by a new “Great Depression” and the consequent reality that things of value during the pre-COVID-19 era matter little today with some trading material goods for scarce necessities. Last, in her greatest time of need, NYC has been abandoned by the federal government and denied essential funding for hospitals and overtime costs, and resources such as sufficient quantities of test kits for prompt tests for all. Lamentations 1: [1] How deserted lies the city, once so full of people! How like a widow is she, who once was great among the nations! [2] Bitterly she weeps… tears are on her cheeks… [T] here is no one to comfort her. [4] All her gateways are desolate… her young women grieve, and she is in bitter anguish. [6] All the splendor has departed… Her princes… in weakness they have fled… [7] When her people fell… there was no one to help her. [11] …her people groan as they search for bread; they barter their treasures for food to keep themselves alive. [20] I am in torment within… inside, there is only death. [22] My groans are many and my heart is faint. Fortunately NYC and the world will not remain mired in this hellish pandemic forever since we are reminded in Lamentations 3:57-58: You came near when I called to You, and You said, “Do not fear!” You… took up my case; you redeemed my life! And yes, so as declared in Psalm 104:30 – “You send forth Your spirit… and renew the face of the Earth” we can be assured – “Mourning will be turned into joy!” [Jeremiah 31:13] as the COVID-19 pandemic is “swept away… like the morning mist” [Isaiah 44:22] such that “Times of refreshing may [yet] come [again] .” [Acts 3:19] Note: Created May 17, 2020 from photographs taken at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, NY (May 7, 2012) and Rockefeller Center Observation Deck, New York, NY (December 23, 2016). www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries NYS Re-opening Metrics: forward.ny.gov/regional-monitoring-dashboard

15 Jul 2020

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590 visits

"I Love NY" Still Life

Larchmont, NY Note: Still Life created using digital textures and colors from a photo taken on 15 July 2020. The "I Love NY" logo was created by Milton Glaser (1928-2020) in 1976 when New York City faced great challenges ranging from verge of bankruptcy, urban flight to the suburbs and high crime. Mr. Glaser created a special logo when NYC was reeling from 9/11. The heart was slightly singed and the wording read, "I Love NY More Than Ever." Considering Mr. Glaser recently passed away at 91 (26 June 2020), to honor his memory and the state and city I love, I created a logo to fit the COVID-19 moment that has hit the state and city so hard (on 18 July 2020) using a face mask and heart I obtained from Clipart Library , a site that offers free clip art for use without copyright restrictions. This logo is displayed below:

07 Feb 2021

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Mamaroneck, NY Note: I created this abstract from a photo I took in a snowstorm that dumped 8 inches of snow. I used the official colors of 2021 yellow and gray to exude hope -- hope the pandemic will finally end. I titled this picture since it was based on snow and naked branches and used the yellow to represent spring brightness and blossoms that are sure to follow this dark COVID-19 winter as the world is renewed. The white splotches represent a new beginning. Original Photo:
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