
Avante Garde / Garbage Abstracts

12 Jul 2020

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Mamaroneck, NY Created from the inside of a discarded dryer. The pulley wheel at the top represents COVID-19. The black areas represent the darkness of the pandemic and mourning. The gray splotches represent uncertainty complemented by the abstract linear patterns that represent the many unexpected turns in life. The soft pastel pinks and yellows represent the light of a new dawn just before the sun rises above the horizon since we still await this sunrise when the pandemic recedes. The earthen tones represent life and recovery for through it all we will persevere and LIVE! The vibrant reds represent love, fortitude and renewal for through love and the fact we are “human strong” we shall overcome. The face represents the day our “sorrow will be turned to joy” [John 16:20] and the pandemic is nothing more than a distant memory.

09 Feb 2019

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Ocean Spray

Mamaroneck, NY Note: The various shades of blue represent the color of the ocean. The shapes represent ocean flora are are depicted in the colors of seaweed so that the presence of life often not seen can stand out. The circle representing continuity is vibrant so the message is clear that it is imperative we protect the world's ecosystems and their rich, diverse abundance of life. The vertical lines represent the world's coasts that can be found in the north, south, east and west while the curve on the right represents an incoming wave and the white-gray section that encompasses the "incoming wave" as well as the jagged white-gray areas on the bottom represent the ocean spray and foam that is generated by the energy of each incoming wave. The smiling face represents happiness when a homeostatic balance is maintained in the oceans around the world such that all forms of life, plant and animal alike, from the largest whales to the smallest of microorganisms, can flourish.

15 Jun 2019

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Summer Sun

Mamaroneck, NY Note: Summer sun was created from randomly discarded garbage. Other than the face, red and white disks, and spacer ring, the metal spikes and wire were in photographed as they were found since they had the “perfect” random pattern. The brilliant red disk represents the hot summer sun that can be downright scorching at times. The digital splattered paint adds to the abstract nature of the composition and creates the appearance of clouds ineffectively shrouding out part of the summer sun. It is the focal point since the sun is what defines the summer season. The large disk and spacer ring represent continuity since summer is part of the continuous cycle of seasons. The wire heat distortions in air patterns while the spikes symbolize the randomness of each summer such that each summer is unique. The colors and textures represent the land and water that encompass the Earth. The smiling face represents the joy of everyone who enjoys this season – sailing, sunbathing, swimming, or even watching summer sports such as baseball.

02 Jun 2018

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Mamaroneck, NY Note: The lower disc represents a tiny millstone. Millstones do not have to represent a heavy weight or burden. They can symbolize freedom. With agriculture (that began ≈ 9600 BCE), people have been liberated from hunting. We have more time to pursue our dreams and fulfill our potential – hence the smile. Also, visualization and interpretation are subjective and limitless – hence the abstract background and colors meant to represent life, beauty, and vibrance. As I am an optimist, I seek that silver lining. Thus, there is even hope for the Babylonian women in Isaiah 47:2 – “Take millstones and grind flour.” This hope is universal – “Never give up; go on with life!”

01 Jan 2019

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New Year's Day Joy

Mamaroneck, NY Note: The colors represent a fresh start, renewal, tranquility, friendship and love (turquoise), light, purity and goodness as life is precious and good in spite of challenges and other hardships that may arise (white), as well as stability and eternity (blue). The circles represent continuity in which the past, present and future are inextricably linked as well as perpetuity reinforcing the eternal message of the blue shades, the broken shards (other than the triangles) represent our imperfections which are cleansed by the soothing turquoise shades that offer a new start at the beginning of the year. The triangular shards reinforce the inextricable link between periods of time and the stability offered by the blue shades; they also represent air and water that are essential for all forms of life. Finally the smiling face represents joy for each new year brings new hope and new dreams and each day of life with breath ought be a day of joy filled with friendship, love and treasured relationships.

26 Jan 2019

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Mamaroneck, NY Note: Zebras with their black and white stripes represent harmony, unity and balance in the African ecosystem. The coil represents journey and changes in life as we all make such a journey during our existence experiencing many changes that are comprised by our daily activities (reinforced by the scattered lottery tickets). The turquoise splotches represent watering holes that African wildlife must utilize to survive as well as life itself and freedom. The zebra is located by one of these watering holes such that all of the attributes of this digital work of art are compressed into a tiny area. The spacer rings represent continuity as the seasons alternate between dry and wet, cold and hot in much of sub-Saharan Africa where wildlife such as zebras inhabit. The happy face exhibits the emotions and feelings of visualizing, documenting and experiencing the African ecosystem and its rich treasures when these wildlife refuges are preserved and wildlife is protected from poachers and senseless development.

28 Apr 2018

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Broken Vinyl

Mamaroneck, NY Note: I deliberately used "white space" to go against conformity and chose the colors to project warmth. I also bled the colors from the center of the broken lp so the mind could complete the circle that is missing the right edge.

27 Jan 2019

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Valentine's Day Love

Mamaroneck, NY Note: This image was created using vibrant red colors, and garbage featuring hearts. Each piece of garbage featuring a heart was replicated so that no heart is solitary and alone since love relies on another to love. The numerous spacer rings represent eternal love and the face represents happiness since when there is true love, happiness is perfected and blissful. Happy Valentine's Day to all!

21 Jan 2018

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Circuit Board Abstract

Mamaroneck, NY
35 items in total