Poubelle #001

Poubelles - Garbage bins - Mülleimer

A collection of garbage bins.

A project just for the sake of fun.
Le projet est juste pour le plaisir.

Only rule I gave to myself:
All photos finalized in black and white - not necessarily sooc.

Poubelle #001

02 Feb 2024 6 2 120
The photo was taken in the Citadel in Berlin-Spandau on 2 February 2024. The picture shows a rubbish bin in a central location of a visitor centre, although it is obvious that the smoking remains of one of the offices can be seen here. There were hardly any visitors, which was probably due to the weather and the time of year.

Poubelle #002

02 Mar 2024 5 4 99
On the doorstep for a long time and finally photographed on 2 March 2024. This ageing rubbish bin next to a public bench is used by walkers passing by to dispose of what they have brought with them. Many local residents, who often walk their dogs every day, also deposit their dog waste - properly bagged - in this bin.

Poubelle #003

28 Feb 2024 7 4 89
Discovered on a walk with the dogs at the edge of the forest. The bin looks a bit of a mess, but it fulfils its purpose. Keep up the good work, you brave bucket at the edge of the forest!

Poubelle #004

24 Apr 2024 3 4 74
At the Havel in Spandau - in the park - with the instruction to take the rubbish away yourself. But if the rubbish is not taken away, it can be disposed of here.

Poubelle #005

12 Sep 2024 7 4 77
Seen in Spandau/Ruhlebener Strasse - ‘Please feed’ says it all. If you look at the ground, not everyone seems to have understood what is meant.

Poubelle #006

23 Nov 2024 8 4 48
With its head held high, this rubbish bin reminds hikers at the hiking car park not to dispose of their trash in the forest.

Poubelle #007

01 Dec 2024 7 6 98
In Hamburg as well, the use of litter bins is stylishly signposted. A friendly sign and graffiti that was certainly not originally intended for this location.