Kayleigh's photos
In The Ghetto
Gimme Shelter - Collage, Venezia 2o18
"Mit 17 hat man noch Träume"
Sweetheart | Belgian Malinois | The flying Dog |
One of these dogs lives on my street here in Berlin and I am happy to see him often because that is elegance, intelligence, strength, and coolness in action :-)
!!!!!! Please check this out:
⭐️Belgian Malinois Dogs ⭐️Jumping Shepherds Compilation & Faks
The Woman Who Chose Herself
The Ocean doesn't need to show its power. | Work…
~Driving Home For Christmas~
Wishing you all a peaceful and happy time
Lovely times with your families and friends.
Health, peace and happiness.
The Ocean doesn't need to show its power. | Work…
Dreaming Of A White Christmas
Good Night Stories
4 connected souls ♥
Imagine there's no hell.
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear…
A Solution is Looking for a Problem.
Send good thoughts to your family and friends, send thoughts of love and peace to the world too.
☆Xavier Naidoo - Ich kenne nichts (Das so schön ist wie du)
☆Light the candle.
"people with an interesting distance from reality"
Today I learned
It's not called "complete idiots", but
"people with an interesting distance from reality" and
they had the nerve to think you stay :-)))