2009 February 16 - kitty paws

family and friends

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2009 February 16 - kitty paws

17 Feb 2009 18
fizzy kitty, fuzzy photo

bad cat photo

09 May 2009 18
bad picture of girl and cat

Mother & Child - b&w

22 Feb 2009 26
color poloroid - black & white done at scanning february 2009

Marni & Elsa - color

22 Feb 2009 17
color slightly enhance at scanning february 2009

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile - 1

15 May 2009 19
sitting for no apparent reason in the portland oregon zoo parking lot. that do seems like it's a lot more on the orange side than it used to be: furrychocolates.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/oscar-meyer-w... and seeming much more futuristic.

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile - 2

15 May 2009 21
grabbin some shade. how cool is that.

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile - 3

15 May 2009 25
sis and bro

Standing on Pier 39

29 Jun 2009 17
Lar takes the New York Review of Books everywhere

Liam as Lisa?

22 Feb 2009 22
at the OMSI DaVinci exhibit february 2009

Oreo sleeping - July 2009

21 Jul 2009 20
our sweet kitty who has gone away - hopefully without pain. we miss him deeply.

cool liam

08 Aug 2009 20
leather jacket and soda make the scene

liam at camp collins

09 Aug 2009 20
hobbit door or davinci?

liam in mid summer's night dream 1

07 Aug 2009 24
liam played demitrius

49 items in total