Laura Testing Again 2 Fletcher's photos

Purple Too

fins - salon deville

30 May 2009 20
parking lot find

flower bells

bridge struts

09 May 2009 15
Hawthorne Bridge

shadow leaves - 2

shadow leaves - 3

shadow leaves - 4

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile - 1

15 May 2009 19
sitting for no apparent reason in the portland oregon zoo parking lot. that do seems like it's a lot more on the orange side than it used to be: and seeming much more futuristic.

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile - 2

15 May 2009 21
grabbin some shade. how cool is that.

Oscar Mayer Wienermobile - 3

15 May 2009 25
sis and bro

hiding fern


bad cat photo

09 May 2009 18
bad picture of girl and cat

100 items in total

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