Pisti's photos

08 Aug 2023

27 visits


Strandbar in Herrsching

08 Aug 2023

28 visits


Herrsching am Ammersee

08 Aug 2023

27 visits


gesehen in Wörth am Wörthsee

23 Jul 2023

33 visits

Feuerwerk (Fotomontage)

"One reason why birds and horses are not unhappy is because they are not trying to impress other birds and horses." (Dale Carnegie) -www.quotefancy.com-

16 Jul 2023

28 visits

A Happy Family

Bildausschnitt, Motiv an einem Fahrgeschäft am Rummelplatz

15 Jul 2023

34 visits

Lagerleben 2023, ungarischer Tanz

"Go out in the world and work like money doesn' t matter, sing as if no one is listening, love as if you have never been hurt, and dance as if no one is watching." (Victor Hugo) -www.quotefancy.com-

15 Jul 2023

1 favorite

39 visits


Lagerleben 2023

15 Jul 2023

30 visits

Warnung vor dem Hund

Ich bin vielleicht klein, aber verdammt schlecht drauf...

03 Jul 2023

1 favorite

34 visits

im Kurpark

"The only one you need in your live is that person who shows you he needs you in his." (Oscar Wilde) -www.quotefancy.com-
2416 items in total