Belleuse's favorite photos

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By Belleuse

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too close to the Sun

here more : Recently I had the big pleasure to participate for the second time in the 21st International Competition of Digital Creation 2018, Poland and this photo had AWARD of the Union of Polish Art Photographers/ NAGRODA Honorowa Związku Polskich Artystów Fotografików. Last year I presented another of my photo which is possible watching here: Tricky - Wash My Soul Collaboration with photo of .t.a.o.n. And here another: Thank you, dear Rob :-)

By Belleuse

68 favorites

... from the Spring ;-)

In April 2019 I had the big pleasure to participate for the third time in the 22st International Competition of Digital Creation 2019, Poland and this photo had DISTINCTION of the Union of Polish Art Photographers/ Związku Polskich Artystów Fotografików. Link to the exhibition catalog: The second awarded photo can be seen here: Other of my awarded photos can be seen in the album MY PHOTO EXHIBITIONS here: / Inne z moich nagrodzonych zdjęć można zobaczyć w albumie MY PHOTO EXHIBITIONS tutaj : A tulip ON BLACK, PLEASE ! Takumi Kato - Tone 10 here more :

By Belleuse

54 favorites

Journeys of the mind

from my series COSMOGONY I, image XV / In memoriam STEPHEN HAWKING r.i.p. here more : Here I want to share with you some of my paintings ( version in tempera technique ).Thanks for your attention, my friends ! I was always fascinated by cosmology and modern physics, I have my favorite collection of books by Georg Gamow with his mister Tompkins, a few books of Niels Bohr, Robert Penrose, Michio Kaku, popularization of Einstein's theory, Arthur C.Clarke, Philip Dick, also Polish fantasy of Stanisław Lem and, of course, several books from S.Hawking. Among the film collections, I particularly value "Space Odyssey" of Stanley Kubrick. These interests accompanied my artistic search, when I created a series of works on optical illusions. This is how I met M.C.Escher and the many illussions in the paintings of S.Dali and late artists from the circle of op-art like G. Vasarely or J. Albers. And all this was created without computers!;-) Art and science - inspirations and influences! People like S.Hawking kindled the imagination and, what is equally important, they gave hope that it's worth using and cultivating even a fraction of our abilities. We still have such people around us:

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By Belleuse

33 favorites

Walking on the Moon / photo approved on New ipernity frontpage

here more : HEY - Prędko, prędzej text :,hey,predko_predzej.html

By Belleuse

53 favorites

When the necessity of existence is difficult to stand

here more : tłum.tytułu: "gdy konieczność istnienia trudna jest do zniesienia" ( z tytułu innej piosenki G.Turnau'a) Grzegorz Turnau - "Między ciszą, a ciszą"- "Between stillness and stillness" " Matters are swaying and moving and flowing until they pass everyone one's own matters somewhat for fun pushes ahead across the green sky but I am lying on and lying on and lying on and trusting no one and believe no one (...) "

By Belleuse

38 favorites

between the silence and the silence, things are rocking

here more : Raz Dwa Trzy "Trudno nie wierzyć w nic" ("It's difficult to believe in nothing"). Text of the song: God in His heaven will ask what I gave him of myself I believed and I loved, and I was who He wanted me to be, And I lived as I should have lived and I was who I had to be. I'll answer him from myself that I will pay off the debt all the better, all the more, since I knew what it means, that I lacked hope And a few moments,a few good moments, Perhaps He'll say that these words are unnecessary. It's difficult to believe in nothing, it is difficult to believe in nothing. It's difficult to believe in nothing, it is difficult to believe in nothing. God in His heaven will ask how I'll pay off the debt, I do not know. I believed and I loved, and I was who He wanted me to be. It is difficult to believe in nothing, it is difficult to believe in nothing.

By Belleuse

44 favorites

Relax... ;-)

here more : Wpłynąlem na suchego przestwór oceanu, wóz nurza w zieloność i jak łódka brodzi..." Words from Adam Mickiewicz's poem "Steps of Akerman" translation for germans: ;-)!topic/pl.hum.poezja/loN57t2JBQk Intergalactic Lovers - Fade Away

By Belleuse

72 favorites

on the catwalk

here more : The model - Kraftwerk or: :-)

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By Belleuse

54 favorites

Searching ...

here more : Ane Brun - Big in Japan my creation with the stairs of Museum in Berlin - Museumsinsel: Alte Nationalgalerie
21 items in total