Bananas (Plantains?) in Market, St. Lucia

Caribbean Cruise, 2019

Folder: Crusing Travel
We took two Caribbean cruises in 2019. The first was a quick turnaround on the Liberty of the Seas. Ugh, too many people, too noisy, but we did get some "vitamin sea".

In December, we took the Oceania Riviera for two cruises, one the Eastern Caribbean, and then continued on a loop out to the Western Caribbean. Much nicer, just because it is a nicer cruise line. The itinerary was also pretty inter…  (read more)

11 Dec 2019

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397 visits

Bananas (Plantains?) in Market, St. Lucia

During our cruise ship's stop in St. Lucia, we walked around the port area for a bit. Saw some great produce, including these bananas (or are they plantains?). Taken with the Panasonic GX85 and processed with GIMP (cropping to square format). See:

22 Oct 2019

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559 visits

Do Not Cross The Red Line (HFF)

Took this from our cabin on the Liberty of the Seas, while docked in Cozumel, Mexico. I wanted the image to include the dire warning about the RED LINE. However, imagine my surprise, when processing the image, I saw that there were fences (albeit temporary) in the shot. So this is my FIRST HFF image, uploaded today, Friday. Hope you enjoy. Image processed with GIMP.

19 Dec 2019

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594 visits

Lunch (H.A.N.W.E., too)

Our tour of the Nim Li Punit Mayan ruins in Belize included lunch. We stopped at a local "tourist" place along the highway, and had a typical Central American lunch: rice, beans, chicken, and plantains. YUM See:

19 Dec 2019

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493 visits

Thatch Roof, Belize (HFF)

Saw this typical house along the road, as we were on the bus from our cruise ship in Belize. (yes, there's a fence around the property) This style of roof is very typical of Central America, and very old, apparently having been used for the Maya structures of antiquity. Image processed with GIMP. See:

20 Dec 2019

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639 visits

Allure of the Seas (BW)

During our December 2019 cruise, we stopped at Costa Maya, Mexico. While we perhaps thought that our cruise ship was large, the "Allure of the Seas" is a monster. Looked better in monochrome, so I used GIMP to make the changes. (Does look better on a black background) See: and

18 Dec 2019

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638 visits

Roatan Cruise Port Under Construction (HFF)

That's our cruise ship in the background. When we first visited Roatan in 2005, all they had was a large concrete slab for cruise passengers. This photo taken in 2019 shows that they have more now, including a shopping zone, but the port is now under major construction. Image taken with phone and processed with GIMP.

06 Dec 2019

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413 visits

Vase (H.A.N.W.E.)

We took a great cruise in 2019 on the Oceania Marina. While walking around this elegant ship, we saw a number of decorations, including this vase. Added to Sunday Challenge as a "still life". According to some sources: "A still life (plural: still lifes) is a work of art depicting mostly inanimate subject matter, typically commonplace objects which are either natural (food, flowers, dead animals, plants, rocks, shells, etc.) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, etc.)." Image processed with GIMP.