The musical Box

Odds & Ends

The musical Box

10 Mar 2019

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159 visits

The musical Box

Beautiful Dreamer The Music Box The music box sat on her bedside table It had been there since the time he left For where? For how long? He came home for a weeks embarkation leave The place they were going was unknown Their task was an official secret Only known to the Army top rank He went shopping with her She saw the music box and liked the tune 'Beautiful Dreamer wake unto Me' Each night as she got into bed She would turn the box on to play its tune The days turned to weeks - months - years No letters to say where or how he was Her letters were returned 'Unable to deliver' His army pay was paid every month without fail He was alive but where? She rose every morning at six o'clock Made her breakfast Prepared something for the evening meal Then left for her work Assembling instruments for aircraft There was a knock on the door Who is it at this time I hope not a telegram We have to inform you...... She opened the door Standing there was a man in navy uniform Who can this be? She looked again Was it her man he looked familiar but; Different This man was bronzes but thinner The uniform of a naval officer Her man was a sergeant in the army He spoke "How are you Ethel" He knew her name It sounded like his voice She asked "Is it you George? Its been so long" "Can I come in" He requested "Oh yes! Of course! Its been such a long time! G) "I cant tell you anything about where I have been, Only That we arrived back in UK yesterday afternoon and I have to be back bt eight o'clock Monday morning I anm not supposed to be here. I got a train to York last night> I missed the last connection and walked here." E) "But York is over thirty miles! And you walked all the way home? G) "The only way I could get here. Oh and I had no money to pay for a ticket, so I had to sneak on board. But we have been doing lots of that" E) "You must be tired do you want a lie down and I will stay home today, I will make you a meal for when you get up" Ethel got his nightclothes out and layed them on the bed ready for him. Then wound the music box. When George was in bed she turned the music box on It played is little tune George listened to it then asked "Is this the music box I bought before I left" Ethel replied "Yes dear I have played it every night when I got into bed to remind me of you and our love" Sunday George left to return to his unit before he was missed - This time he had a single ticket paid for by Ethel He played the music box before leaving "Soon we will wake up to each other" he remarked It was a further two weeks before he came home for good Wild Rose March 2019

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