Contemplation on the Giants Causeway


Contemplation on the Giants Causeway

Sunset Over Blackgang Chine

31 May 2019 30 19 421
Taken in the last day of May. This is a great viewing spot looking Northwards along the West coast of the Isle of Wight. The flowers in the foreground belong to a local clifftop plant called "Thrift".

Scotney Castle

02 Sep 2019 10 2 158
This idyllic scene in Kent reminds me of Rupert Bear (English cartoon character for children) who would come across all manner of things in the middle of nowhere in the forest, including castles like this!


08 Oct 2019 20 5 324
Vieste Lighthouse and the Adriatic Fish Market.

Opportunity to Sunbathe on Vieste Beach

08 Oct 2019 14 4 215
Just onle lady sunbathing but the season is drawing to a close as we are well in to October, but still the weather is warm.

Tiber River, Rome.

01 Oct 2019 27 7 284
Westward view along the Tiber from St Angelo Bridge, originally built by Emperor Hadrian who also built the wall bordering England and Scotland. Today, the bridge is still cobbled and is for pedestrians only. The bridge seen ahead is 'Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II'

Coastguard Cottages across Lemon Fields

24 Apr 2019 24 7 315
This terrace of cottages were originally for the coastguard personnel but now they are privately owned. They are perched near the cliff top along the west coast of the Isle of Wight at and overlook the sea. They are located at a place appropriately called Brook, where a stream exits into the sea. This shot was taken in Spring when the Rapeseed crop was fully ripe for harvesting.

It Must be Spring

Hill Cottage in the Spring


04 Oct 2019 28 5 288
Deep south on the Adriatic coast in the Italian region of Puglia (or Apulia).

Grand Hotel Gardone Riviera

11 Oct 2019 28 7 228
This shot was taken early morning from a boat on its way to Sirmione. The trip was surprisingly choppy. But as the cloud cleared it became a bright and warm October day.

A Room with a View

08 Oct 2019 23 11 212
A Veranda somewhere on the Adriatic ...

Porticciolo di Lazise

11 Oct 2019 25 6 261
The small marina at Lazise on Lake Garda

Swallick Cottages

14 May 2020 16 4 151
Along a quiet country walk.

HFF - Swallick Farm (Winslade near Basingstoke)

HFF on a Safe Sunny Walk in May

36 items in total